“Mom, wanna see something cool?”
Always. “Mom, this dinner is the best. Thank you.” No. Thank
you. “Mom, I love you.” I love you too. They are my glue.
Three little tubes of super glue that fix me when I'm broken. They
also tend to break me. “Kids and parents don't go together.
Ever.” “I just don't want you to talk to me anymore. Ever.”
And the screaming tantrums that are unidentifiable. Being a mom is
tough. My mom told me that. I get it now, and I wish I could tell
her. That is the thing that sticks with me most nearly 8 years after
she died. I wish I could tell her about each and every moment that I
realize what she was talking about years ago. I wish I could show
her that my children are a lot like me when I was a kid, sometimes as
payback for how I was to her. They talk too much. They yell and
stomp. And they love with their whole heart in ways that I never
knew possible. Thank God for these blessings and for all children.